Remember: it's just a game! (x)

Remember: it's just a game! (x)

The player protection website of LVC Diamond Kft., which operates Las Vegas Casinos and the online gambling and sports betting platform, has been renewed, Visitors to the site can now test themselves to see if gambling is really just a game for them.
  • gambling ()

That's what goes on for road renovation

More than 2500 billion forints will be spent on upgrading the road network in Hungary by 2022, said the State Secretary of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM), according to MTI reports.


According to László Mosóczi, State Secretary for Transport Policy, the Hungarian expressway network will be significantly expanded within five years. "The government's goal is to reach a highway or motorway section in any part of Hungary within 30 minutes," he said.

According to Mosóczi, most of the 2500 billion forints, nearly 60 percent of the budget, is 40 percent of the European Union's support. From this source, the construction of nearly 1,000 kilometers of four-lane road sections - motorway, highway and high-speed highway - is under preparation, the Secretary of State added. According to plans

  • cities with county rights, county seats, and major industrial parks adjacent to them are connected to the expressway network.
  • motorways and motorways are extended to national borders, and cross-border investments are negotiated with neighboring countries to progress at a similar pace.
  • Much attention is paid to road maintenance as well, and due to the lack of maintenance before 2010, there was a huge backlog, ”Mosóczi said.

Mosóczi also pointed out that the number of full-speed motorway connections to the country's border crossing point would be doubled in the next five years: the second track of the M15 and M70, the M30 motorway towards Slovakia and the M4 motorway towards Romania will be built. The government also ordered the construction of the M60 (Croatia), M34 (Ukraine), M3 (Ukraine), M49 (Romania) expressways.

"The total length of the 1430 kilometer Hungarian expressway network will grow well over 2,000 kilometers in five years," said Mosóczi, who said that national highways in all parts of the country would provide European-level access to motorists and carriers in the international network. According to Mosóczi, Hungary's expressway network is approaching the level of construction of the Austrian highway network within five years.

This year's plans were said to continue in several stages in 2019 with M44 in Békéscsaba, with M25 in Eger, with M85 in Sopron, with M76 in Zalaegerszeg, with four-lane road 21 in Salgótarjan, at 67 with Kaposvár. There are also many developments in the sections M15, M30, M4, M70, M85 to drive highway roads across the country. Several major roads are expanded to 2x2 lanes, for example, between Debrecen 471 and Hajdúsámson, or from Győr 83 to Papa.

In terms of the four-lane sections alone, they will work about 480 kilometers later this year, with construction companies totaling more than 1,200 billion forints - summed up. This year, the first stage of the M44, the high-level road link between Viharsarok, will be handed over to the drivers between Tiszakürt and Kondoros. The section of M4 between M0 and Cegléd will be completed towards Szolnok. Also, this year, the M2 expressway will be put into circulation from Budapest to Vác, a connecting project will be built between the northern junction of Dunakeszi and main road 2, he said.

The builders will complete the M70 quad-banding, with two new sections in Nógrád County complete the extension of main road 21 between M3 and Salgotarjan. In Kaposvar, between the Kaposfüred and Látrány evacuations, the works are performed in the first phase of the development of main road 67. According to her announcement, the 471 Debrecen-Hajdúsámson project is on its way to the main road and the foundation stone of the 48th Debrecen-Nyírábrány development stage is set. The position of those going to the northern shore of Lake Balaton will be improved by the new junction of the M7 and 710, which will be the starting point for the M8-Dunaújváros-Kecskemét sections in preparation for the M8.

The Secretary of State also spoke about railway developments. As he said

  • The renovation of the Kelenföld-Százhalombatta-Pusztaszabolcs railway line is underway, the construction of a new section in the Ercsi region.
  • Works are underway to renovate the section of the Rákos-Aszód-Hatvan section of the Budapest-Miskolc line and called the reconstruction of the section between Püspökladány-Debrecen on the Budapest-Debrecen-Nyíregyháza railway line. Renovation and electrification of the line of Mezőzombor-Sárospatak-Sátoraljaújhely in the Zemplén region.
  • The first tram-train service in Hungary is underway between Szeged and Hódmezővásárhely.

The plans for the northern sector of the M0 have already been completed, a feasibility study is being conducted for the western sector, and several track variations are being investigated, he said.

(Source: / photo:


  • car (1190)
  • new renovations ()

Remember: it's just a game! (x)
The player protection website of LVC Diamond Kft., which operates Las Vegas Casinos and the online gambling and sports betting platform, has been renewed, Visitors to the site can now test themselves to see if gambling is really just a game for them.
  • gambling ()
They don't think it's green enough
The Toyota Mirai hybrid car is the official vehicle of the Olympics, except it's not so green.
  • car (1190)
  • olympiad ()
  • official ()


Remember: it's just a game! (x)
The player protection website of LVC Diamond Kft., which operates Las Vegas Casinos and the online gambling and sports betting platform, has been renewed, Visitors to the site can now test themselves to see if gambling is really just a game for them.
  • gambling ()


The "reward" of a 26-year-old young man became a 21-month lockout.
  • engineered ()
  • prison ()
  • speeding (3)
  • police officers ()
They won the AAA Auto

They won the AAA Auto

The court of Dunakeszi ultimately granted them 275 thousand forints, which covers the car repair costs, but the cost of the law was also paid by the family of Ágnes, which, together with the lawyers' fees, sprang for half a million forints.
  • car (1190)
  • grayling ()
  • buying ()
Can they close in your car?
However, if someone can not open the doors from the inside because the battery in the key / remote control is empty, ie the encoder does not work, it can get off because if the ignition is switched on, the doors can then be opened.
  • car (1190)
  • HVG ()
  • news ()
3 cylinder Ford Fiesta ST
This resource delivers a peak of 200 horsepower at 6000 rpm, and 290 Nm maximum torque at 2500 rpm.
  • video ()
  • translation ()
The new Corvette

The new Corvette

Only 25 copies of the Yenko / SC Stage II Corvette will be made and the ZR1 Corvette owners will have to pay about $ 69,000 ($ 19.3 million) for the tuning.
  • car (1190)
  • novelty ()
  • chevrolet ()
  • corvette ()


The "reward" of a 26-year-old young man became a 21-month lockout.
  • engineered ()
  • prison ()
  • speeding (3)
  • police officers ()
They won the AAA Auto

They won the AAA Auto

The court of Dunakeszi ultimately granted them 275 thousand forints, which covers the car repair costs, but the cost of the law was also paid by the family of Ágnes, which, together with the lawyers' fees, sprang for half a million forints.
  • car (1190)
  • grayling ()
  • buying ()
Can they close in your car?
However, if someone can not open the doors from the inside because the battery in the key / remote control is empty, ie the encoder does not work, it can get off because if the ignition is switched on, the doors can then be opened.
  • car (1190)
  • HVG ()
  • news ()
3 cylinder Ford Fiesta ST
This resource delivers a peak of 200 horsepower at 6000 rpm, and 290 Nm maximum torque at 2500 rpm.
  • video ()
  • translation ()
The new Corvette

The new Corvette

Only 25 copies of the Yenko / SC Stage II Corvette will be made and the ZR1 Corvette owners will have to pay about $ 69,000 ($ 19.3 million) for the tuning.
  • car (1190)
  • novelty ()
  • chevrolet ()
  • corvette ()